We Are Sisters in Christ
We Are Sisters in Christ
Our women of all ages get together at least once a month for potluck breakfasts, formal tea parties, ice cream socials, candle-making, and a whole lot more. One of our favorite community outreach events is the annual Chili Cookoff, attended and judged by the First Responders of Peculiar's police and fire departments.
We have a lot of fun as we share Biblical messages and strive to grow as strong Christian women. Women's Bible Study and prayer for one another are an important of our ministry, too. Our upcoming events are at the bottom of this page, and I hope to see you soon at one of these get-togethers.
Our Guiding Principles for Women's Ministry
Our Guiding Principles for Women's Ministry
Formal Tea Party
Formal Tea Party
Our annual tea party brings out everyone's elegant apparel and a few fascinators, too! We're here for each other in the everyday routines and in the special moments, too.
Saturday Breakfast
Saturday Breakfast
We love learning from each other and getting Spirit-filled messages from our sisters. As Godly women, we lift powerful prayers up for our extended church family.
Women's Conference
Women's Conference
The annual fall retreat for women is a great place to connect with other Christian women, to get inspired by speakers, and to rededicate ourselves to our Lord and Savior.
Snapshots from Recent Events
Snapshots from Recent Events