21 Days of Fasting

January 15 - February 4, 2023

Click to Learn More about Fasting and Praying in the Bible 

Although it may seem strange or extreme today,  abstaining from food for spiritual purposes was common practice in Old and New Testament times. 

Here are just a few examples of fasting in the Bible:

Biblical examples illustrate why fasting is important for believers.

In Psalm 35:13 (KJV),  David said "I humbled my soul with fasting."  

Jesus gave his followers instructions about how to fast in His Sermon on the Mount. He said "And when you fast, do not look gloomy like the hypocrites, for they disfigure their faces that their fasting may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.  (Matthew 6:16-18) These instructions remind us that we don't fast to look pious in front of others.  

Even the wicked king, Ahab, humbled himself by fasting when God rebuked him. Ahab's display of humility is answered by God with a reprieve (1 Kings 21:27-29).

As demonstrated through the disciples in Acts 13:2, the Holy Spirit guides us when we are fasting. 

When Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness, Jesus said "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4).  

Jesus told the disciples that certain miracles could only be performed through prayer and fasting (Mark 9:29, KJV).  

When the people of Ninevah fasted and cried out to God, he spared them from disaster (Jonah 3:5-10).

Click to Learn More about the Different Ways to Fast 

Before getting started, please note the importance of PRAYING when fasting.  Spend time reading your Bible as you fast and pray. The Word of God is spiritual food. Instead of feeding your body, focus on feeding your spirit when you fast. 

During our 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer, Even Now, these are some ways to fast from food:

Limiting Meals: fast during 1, 2 or 3 meals each day.  

Limiting Food: fast by taking in only liquids.

Sunrise to Sunset: fast during daylight hours.

21-Day Daniel Fast: abstain from all "delicacies" like animal products, oils, and processed foods. Daniel ate only vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, and seeds during his fast. 

Shorter-Duration Fasting is also described in the Bible:

If you cannot fast from food, consider fasting from other things that promote worldliness and tempt the flesh. You may wish to fast from TV, secular music, movies, social media, or other worldly distractions. Focus instead on God, His Word, and your prayers. 

While fasting, be sure to allow time for praise, worship, prayer, and Bible study.  Seek the Spirit when you feel weak

Click for Our Prayer List During these 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer

Fasting with prayer should be a personal and profound connection with God. During the 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer, Even Now, be deliberate and focused in praying for a certain need or seeking wisdom and discernment in a specific area.

As a body, we will also be praying for our nation, our community, and our spiritual renewal. Here are focused topics for each day of this shared experience.

Day 1: Pray for spiritual awakening in Cass County

Day 2: Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the lives of those we encounter.

Day 3: Praise to God the Father who comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others

Day 4. Pray for the Salvation of lost souls. 

Day 5: Pray for our loved ones who have strayed from their faith. Pray for the return of prodigals to their families and to God.  

Day 6: Praise the name of the Lord who is worthy of all praise, all glory, and all honor.

Day 7: Pray for our first responders and their safety. 

Day 8: Pray for our government officials, that they may turn to God for guidance as they make laws and set policies. 

Day 9: Praise God, our refuge and strength, our mighty rock. 

Day 10: Pray for those in need, those who are hungry, and those who are struggling financially. 

Day 11: Pray for victims of crime, abuse, neglect, and human trafficking. 

Day 12:  Praise God, our deliverer and help in times of struggle. 

Day 13: Pray for the mercy of God and the healing of our nation. 

Day 14: Pray for the Lord to show His majesty and power in healing, signs, and wonders.

Day 15: Praise the Lord God Almighty for his faithfulness throughout your life. 

Day 16: Pray for Cass County schools, teachers, administrators, and students. 

Day 17: Pray for the ill and injured in our church, our families, and in the community. 

Day 18: Praise God, the creator or heaven and earth and all that is within them. 

Day 19: Pray for those who suffer from mental illness and addiction. 

Day 20: Pray for peace. 

Day 21: Praise God for his everlasting kindness.

Preparing to Fast from Food

Check with your doctor ahead of time to evaluate your best options for how to fast (see list above for different ways to fast). 

If you are planning for a total fast from all food, you may wish to gradually scale back before the period of fasting. Increase your water intake as you decrease your food intake to avoid dehydration. 

In the Bible, 3 days is the maximum length of time that a complete fast from all food and water is described (except for the 40-day fasts of Jesus, Moses, and Elijah, which are not suitable for those who are new to extended fasting). 

Set aside time each day for prayer, worship, and Bible study. Replace meal times with times for connecting with God. Humble yourself before the Lord and allow Him to speak to you through His Word. 

End your fast gradually. Too much too soon is not advised following a fast. 

Fasting for Spiritual Warfare

The main purpose of fasting is to draw closer to God. It's an opportunity for you to let your desire for God triumph over your desire for temporary physical satisfaction. When fasting, you shift the focus from the physical (flesh) to the spiritual. 

When fasting, you will be tempted by Satan just as Jesus was. And, just as Jesus did, your response to temptation should be to go immediately to Scripture. Only the Word of God can defeat Satan. As you feast on the Word of God, temptation will wane. When fasting, you'll see firsthand how Satan always tempts us to satisfy the flesh over the spirit. You'll be building up your discernment and fortitude to fight evil influences when you fast and rely on God's Word. 

Don't fast without praying and relying on God's Word. Isaiah 58 describes what happens when fasting is not acceptable to God because the fasting is not focused on humbling oneself before God.